Allied races

Lovely ladies Z and Cinder are doing a blog challenge and anyone can join! Topic of week 32 is “Allied races”. You can find other people’s posts on their website.

I haven’t pre-purchased BfA yet but I have some thoughts!

I’m a WoD baby and until recently, I didn’t play alts much. I still have things to do on my mage and not a lot of time to play WoW. I have draenei paladin (originally from WoD boost to 90), undead mage (originally from Legion boost to 100) (see the pattern here?) and a couple of (mostly abandoned) low level alts but I don’t play them much. So I feel like I don’t need new races. I’m still happy we’re getting them because there are quests to unlock them (I love quests!) and I know others have been playing much longer than me and might already have all the other races (or at least the ones they like). And having more choices is always nice! Let’s look at what we’re getting:

Void Elves, Highmountain Tauren – I’m not that much into elves and taurens.

Nightborne – Again, elves are meh. They have cool tattoos but you won’t be able to see them unless the character is wearing armorkini and I don’t want to do that. I like the idea of Nightborne mage but I already have two other mages. Maybe I could play a warlock, they’re basically evil mages, right?

Lightforged Draenei – From what I’ve seen, they look awesome. And I’ve been getting more into lore and the whole Light-Void-Alleria-naaru-universe thingy is very interesting. I can imagine rolling one for lore/RP reasons one day, probably a priest.

Dark Iron Dwarves – I like how dwarves went from “I have a funny accent and I’m drunk!” look to “Shut yer mouth or I cut ye..” look. I might play one if I ever want to feel dangerous and metal (I know undead are supposed to be the metal race in WoW but these look more metal to me). I think warrior would fit them but their playable classes haven’t been announced yet so we’ll see.

Zandalari Trolls – I’ve been leveling a troll druid and I love her so I think I’ll get a Zandalari troll eventually. I’m really looking forward to BfA and experiencing their story.


And what other races would I like to play?

Tuskarr – The lovely walrus people from Northrend. I imagine they are like pandaren – peaceful, cute and bouncy but when you mess with them, they will hit you! We’ll probably get another Lich King expansion eventually so they could join us because they’d be tired of all the Lich King mess that keeps happening near their home.


Mechagnome – Also ideal for a Lich King expansion. And they’d be perfect: they share models with gnomes, they already have a faction leader (Mimiron) and they are closely tied to the Titans which could lead to some very interesting stories. And they’re robots. I love robots.


Harpies – I know, I know! They are loud, obnoxious and evil. But we live in a patriarchy and sometimes, I want to play as a nasty woman who shouts at men and claws their eyes out, okay? Is that fair and helpful? No! Do I want to kill all men? No! I don’t want to kill anyone, actually. But damn, do I love harpies! They’re in multiple parts of Azeroth so it wouldn’t be hard to find some way to tie them into the story. I doubt we’ll ever get them but hey, I can dream and blog about my silly ideas, right? 🙂













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